Photo/Art credit: wyvolf

Greetings, Outlander!Welcome to the forests of Erentala, homeland to the Talta Pack. We are a canine focused text-by-post roleplay on Discord with opportunities to explore its world and its stories. We strive to be a welcoming and friendly community through telling our characters' stories that intertwine and grow.While our main bulk of the roleplay is more towards the slice of life of working in a pack we want to give users the freedom of creativity by creating their own stories with their characters!Is your character the next leader of Talta? Or are they an up-and-coming leader of a different pack? Or a warrior sworn to battle in glory, or a caretaker who just wants to see their friends and family safe? Or even a potential villain for a story arc?The world of Erentala is up to you to explore.

The contents of this roleplay and server may include themes such as: roleplay violence, IRP character death, religious beliefs within the roleplay, animals hunting other animals, and casual swearing. Because of our contents, we are rated with a 2-0-2 rating according to the RPG Rating System, because of this we recommend our members who chose to join must be at least 16 years or older to participate.

RPG Rating 2 0 2

The Talta Pack is currently not accepting members at this time!
We have no member cap, everyone is free to join the discord and participate in this roleplay
You can join the roleplay by joining the Discord and submitting a character! Just be sure to read our character guidelines section.

The SettingThis roleplay is set within the ever expansive forests, tundras and mountains of the lustrous Erentala! A large country divided by a long-running mountain range trailing down the middle of the country separating it into the smaller regions of Olmea and Afrea. You can learn more about them in our land of Erentala tab!

Member driven plotsYou create your own stories! Keep in mind that the plots and other storylines in this roleplay are shaped by your character's actions and decisions. So that means that your choices will directly influence the storyline and its outcomes!
So be prepared for dynamic and unpredictable events based on how you interact with the world and the other characters both Player and NPC's.

Photo/Art credit: wyvolf

Click on the icons!
(NOTE: Discord is not ready for the Public just yet)

Join the DeviantArt Group

Join the Discord

Join the Toyhouse World

Rules & Regulations

By joining and participating in this role-play, you are agreeing to these rules and are aware that breakage of these rules could result in a warning, kick or ban.

Disclaimer: the rules are subject to change, update, remove, or update whenever needed.

i. Out of Character | ii. Roleplay | iii. Sparring Rules | iv. Strike System | v. FAQ

i. Out Of Character Rules

1. There is no tolerance for harassment, bullying, or any hateful comments be it on someone's race, gender, sexuality, religion, culture, etc. Treat users with respect and common courtesy.Keep in mind that this roleplay is LGBTQIA+ friendly and welcoming to those with DID/OSDD, we have PluralKit for ease of communication for systems to interact in OOC channels.2. Users who join the server must be at least sixteen (16) years or older. While this roleplay is geared to be "family friendly" it does tackle subjects such as character violence, animals hunting over animals, a fictitious IRP religion, and contains swearing both IRP and OOC.If under 16 you may wait till you turn 16. There will be no system of being 'grandfathered' in.3. Avoid dog-piling or ganging up on users who may be: in the wrong, been banned, or otherwise. As harassment is not tolerated here.4. While casual swearing is allowed you may not use it negatively or derogatory use it towards someone (i.e. calling someone a bitch). Slur usage, however, is not allowed under any circumstances, even if you can reclaim such phrases. Think before you post as well, is the person okay with you joking like that?4. Sexual Not Safe for Work (NSFW) content is PROHIBITED in both the roleplay and out of character discussions. This includes but isn't limited to: jokes, innuendos/flirting, song references, memes, and so on. Your profile picture, banner, and status must be SFW. You will be asked to change them.Artwork or roleplay scenes depicting excessive bleeding/wounds, or character death, must be spoiler/censored with a warning. Small amounts of blood do not need to be censored or posted under a spoiler tag. If you are unsure, err on the side of caution.

5. There is to be no venting within the server; we are a roleplay community. We are not equipped to deal with such issues.
The same goes with drama: keep it out. This includes keeping OOC and IC issues separated from each other. If there's something you have a problem with; contact staff via the ticket system.
6. Avoid mini-modding and just ping the staff role if there's an issue that needs immediate addressing. If all else fails please screenshot and issue a ticket detailing the event.7. There is to be no art or character theft whatsoever. Meaning you cannot claim, use or trace art or designs that do not belong to you.This includes using AI generated 'content'. Such things are not allowed here. Meaning you cannot use ChatGPT to write your posts, or use any form of image generation. Bannable offenses apply.8. The act of breakage of any rules (both RP and OOC) Rule breaking and improper conduct can and will result in consequences. We work on three strikes you're out system. Read more about the strikes below.9. Activity checks are held once every three months (three times a year), while we have a relaxed system we don't want the RP to just die off due to little activity. Need a hiatus? Just say so, and the Hiatus role will be given to you.10. Do not advertise other servers unless you are a partner. Users are very much free to advertise their commissions in the art channel! It'll be added to a master list that will be pinned for other uses to check out.11. We follow Discords Terms of Service & Community Guidelines. Basically: No raiding, no illegal or immoral behavior, etc.

ii. Ruleplay Rules

1. Those who participate in the roleplay must use and practice Good RP Etiquette, and avoid common bad roleplay practices such as, but not limited to: ass-pulling, auto-hitting, metagaming, power play, or god-modding.Meta-Gaming: Characters acting on information they do not know within the roleplay.
Powerplaying: The act of controlling another character in active roleplay.
God-Modding: When a character is overpowered, often being unable to be injured. And always hits.
2. Turn orders are optional here, but encouraged when participating in a roleplay with three or more people. (James > Sam > Sarah > James > Sam > Sarah, and so on). Post skipping is to be avoided unless the player yet to reply gives the go ahead that they may be skipped.3. Respect the universe and lore the roleplay takes place in. You are more than welcomed to have your character coming from different backgrounds and different beliefs, but please respect the lore in this roleplay.Check the lore compendium tab for all things such as the beasts that roam, the plants that grow, and more!7. Characters are expected to act in a manner that fits their chosen rank with a reasonable degree of competency towards their job. Meaning playing a herbalist could know some levels of fighting but would not be an expert like those in the fighter branch. Or act like an immature pup while having a high rank.8. Permission to Kill (PTK) is ON meaning you need a player's explicit permission to kill or severely injure/disfigure their character. PTK may be overridden if the scenario does not allow a PTK to occur and lethal damage is unavoidable (think twice being fighting a bear alone).Injuries that are expected to happen in cases such as spars, defending the pack from threats, or even an accident during hunting where the prey fights back. But reason to injure a persons' character(s) still requires OOC consent.9. While we allow for characters to be written as 'mean', or even 'bad'. We love that kind of character conflict, HOWEVER, please keep in mind that consequences do exist. If your character breaks the pack's laws or engages in fights they will face trial and/or punishment. Logging off, or going absent to avoid punishment will result in a OOC strike.10. Users are permitted to have two character slots upon joining. However, can have up to six characters in total based on the player's activity and the character's rank. This is explained further in Character Creation.11. Players are allowed to use their characters in TWO RP threads at once. However, if the character is in danger, or has been captured, or is incapacitated/injured, players may not start any new RP threads until such danger is resolved.

12. Sexual Roleplay (or Erotic Roleplay/ERP) of any kind is strictly forbidden here: there will be no "heat cycles", mating RP, or 'fade to blacks'. And under no circumstances may the following ever be considered in the RP or as a character "trait".Pedophilia
Rape, or Dubious Consent.
Incestuous relationships.
And similar immoral affairs.
13. In case it is asked: Yes! Your characters are more than welcome to fall in love and can discuss having pups IRP or in character discussions. Just no ERP.14. Here in Pack of Talta we try to strive for a "lazy casual" semi-literate to literate writing style. Meaning we expect member's average post to maintain good Spelling, punctuation, and grammar (SPaG), and be at most a paragraph long (3-5 sentences). Some situations may warrant a smaller post, but please try to avoid one sentence posts.15. All posts must be written from a third-person perspective as if you're writing a story (e.g. Baron dipped his head as his ears flicked before he'd pull back his lips to snarl). Second-person perspective posts may only be used for scene setting and narration only. First-person perspective is not allowed.16. Short OOC comments or notes may be attached to the beginning or end of the roleplay post so long as they clearly marked (i.e. with brackets). Longer OOC conversations must be moved to the roleplay discussions channel.17. Wolf-speak is to be avoided. It isn't literacy. Using it once or twice is fine but do not replace every word.18. Ranks can be changed/switched at any point in your characters' life, but please ask a higher rank within your branch before doing so (either IRP or OOC). Keep in mind, for example, if you're a Paladin tier VIII, who instead would want to become a scout would have to drop to first rank of the scout branch and tier III. You'll have to climb the ranks again.19. Do not pup, parent, or mate beg. While it is okay to ask but if a no is given: then it's a no. Please do not guilt anyone into being involved with your character.20. Avoid 'voiding' an RP. All threads are considered 'canon', the only time when voiding / omitting an RP thread and making it non-canon is when there is serious FailRP going on. If you feel you're going through an unfair RP experience: contact mods via tickets.21. Our most important rule: Have fun! While we have rules and structures for the lore of the roleplay we urge our players to have fun, to create your characters and their stories.

iii. Sparring Rules

Here in this roleplay we use sparring as a training exercise where characters engage in controlled combat to practice and improve their fighting skills.
So during sparring the participants of the spar aim to simulate a real fight while the host of the spar ensures that no serious injuries occur (even if it does, a herbalist is always on duty).
The focus is on learning techniques, building strength and agility, and developing strategies. In a roleplay scenario, sparring helps characters prepare for actual battles, fosters teamwork, and allows players to explore their characters' combat abilities.

There are currently three known Sparring Types:Training Spar; This is where characters can learn how to fight and defend effectively. Sometimes this training sessions do include actual spars. Any wolf of any given rank per tier 3+ may request a friendly spar.Justice Rite Spar; when there is no common ground is found between an argument and talking it out is not helping. Those involved may call for a spar to settle the dispute, or even a high rank (Tier X+) may call for such a spar. All disputes are managed by the Lower or Higher Council themselves.Aysina's Rite Spar; a spar that is typically done when a wolf wants to challenge for the higher ranking position. Both dispute settling and challenging for rank spars are held by the Lower or Higher Council. For more about this see (x).

Sparring Rules1: Before you can partake in a spar it must be attended by at least one (1) host tier 5 (V) or over, that judges and oversees the event, with at least one herbalist to stand to the side to help deal with any injuries right after the fact.
2: As spars are primarily based in training and settling disputes between two characters please keep in mind that when it comes to the actual fight that: it is against the rules to go for the throat, eyes, genital region, spine, stomach or to even break bones. It is expected that wounds such as scrapes, minor cuts, and bruises to appear. These rules are a standard across all forms of sparring.
3: The winning of the spar is determined typically by a surrender, being pinned for more than three seconds, or a call from the host to announce the winner of the spar within the roleplay itself, however, the winners are typically discussed OOC beforehand either by agreed discussion or via dice roles with the highest being drawn the winner. However, if we feel there is any harassment over the roleplay are entitled to be to being warned or, in extreme cases, an automatic win being handed to the opposition.4: Pregnant, sick, elderly or those under the age of one within the roleplay cannot participate within the spar itself but are free to watch. (Pups must be accompanied by a guardian)5: Auto-hitters NEVER hit, any attempts of auto hitting will always be written as a miss. Frequent auto-hitting will result in a OOC warn and the win will go to the opposition. Refer to our roleplay rules regarding godmodding and powerplaying.6: We follow the 3:1 Ratio, meaning for every three dodges, one must hit your character. You cannot always hit, you cannot always dodge.Example:
Character A: Attempts to land their first attack, followed by their second attempt.
Character B: Manages to dodge the first two attacks.
Character A: Attempts to make their third attempt.
Character B: Is hit by A’s third attempt.
Obviously this will be written out better with more thought to it, always remember that in a spar be it play fighting, training, or an actual fight that things will be fast-paced with little time to sit and think about your next move so don’t let Jerry sit there for a long time debating whether they should go for the leg or the tail otherwise realistically they’ll get hit before they even come to the conclusion.7: Keep in mind for realism; a heavy-set character may hit harder but will be slower moving, while a smaller-set character, who might hit weaker, will be quicker on their feet. Same with how an older wolf may be overall weaker, slower but have more knowledge and skills compared to a faster, stronger wolf with little skill.

Reminders1. Your character is not invincible. While it can be sometimes hard to remember this when you are in the heat of the spar, and what your character does well and succeeds: They are still mortal so remember that they will fatigue, they will weaken with injury and blood loss. And a bad enough injury such as a major open wound or broken bones will slow your character or even prevent them from performing.2. Sometimes it's fun to lose! It can be a wonderfully dramatic scene, and it can help to build your character. Do they need to be humbled by losing? Do they feel like, even with this loss, they know what to improve on for the next time they spar? Or will they stop to pursue a more peaceful trade, such as becoming a herbalist? Really, anything goes for character development!3. There is more than just size, there is also skill! A larger character doesn’t automatically mean you will win. A larger size means slower movement. There is also skill to consider. A slightly smaller character may have a history of specific training and/or fighting will have a very good fighting chance against a slightly bigger character with little to no experience. Also consider the flaws and strengths of the character, etc.4. Remember to use common sense. Keep in mind about the distance between two characters when one attacks the other. We do not care how fast your character is supposed to be, they cannot dodge an attack when they are in touching distance.5. Ask for help! Don't be afraid to stop a fight and contact staff if you have questions, or if you feel your RP partner is not following the rules, or if your character has a question in a spar, they can stop to ask a question or feedback.Use words like "attempts", "tries to", "would attempt", etc. And let your roleplay partner respond fairly!Look how the real world wolves (even your pet dogs) fight be it in play or actual fighting. Use it to draw inspiration.

Photo/Art credit: Chris Garret

iv. Strike System

In the event of breaking the server's rules (both RP and OOC) depending on severity of infraction, the following may occur:Verbal Warn: You will be warned verbally via a staff member. There will be no written warn applied and punishment is given at staff discretion.
Auto-mod: Typically muted for five (5) minutes, and given the @muted role. Actions will be logged.
Written Warn: You will be written up using a bot, with any appropriate punishment/strike listed. Actions will be logged, and punishment will be given at staff discretion.


  • A written warn applied to your account using a bot, actions logged.

  • Some restrictions such as unable to join in some events, unable to 'tier' up for a month OOC.

  • The strike will be removed after a month if there is no further incident.


  • Muted for however long is deemed necessary (typically an hour). Sometimes a final warning. Actions logged.

  • Additional restrictions will also occur such as a players' character count being frozen (meaning they cannot create new characters)

  • The ability to rank/tier up is also on pause till the strike expires.

  • The strike will expire after two IRL months if there is no further incident.


  • Banned from the server. Depending on the severity users may appeal their ban after two months unless it's a permanent ('perma') ban; where all appeals will be denied.


  • The player will be immediately removed from the server and any in-game associated groups.

  • Players characters will be marked as "deceased", "missing" or put on a "freeze" depending on the situation.

  • If successful in having your ban appealed you will be on a ban-leash for six months meaning that any breakage of rules in future while the ban-leash is active, you will be then permanently banned from the server with no appeals. Ban invading (i.e. joining on a new account) will get you banned again.

Warnable and bannable offenses include, but are not limited to:1. Art theft, or continuous use of AI generated "content" and portraying as one's own 'hand-drawn' creation. AI is art theft. Once or twice will be verbal but a third time / showing support in AI is grounds for a ban. This is harsh, but I cannot let blatant art theft slide.2. Disrespect, harassment, or discrimination towards any member.3. The doxxing of real players' information regardless of intent.4. Inciting harassment, bullying, or raids.5. Repeated inability or refusal to follow community guidelines and established rules.

v. Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most asked questions answered (cross posted from our discord). Last Updated: July 15th 2024

Q: Will TupperBox Be Added?
No. Tupperbox will not be added, there are a lot of issues when it comes to moderation, as well as who has what character, who owns which Tupper, etc. Use your server nickname to put your character(s) or indicate who you're currently using in RP posts.
Q: Can I use Plural Kit for RP instead then?
No. PK is there for DID/OSDD-1 systems only. It is for only OOC chatter. Systems are required to add a system tag.
Q: Do I need Feralbound / FeralHeart Unleashed / FeralHeart to be in this roleplay?
Nope! While we do plan to take some footing in Feralbound when the game releases we want to keep to Discord mainly for ease of access. Though we may play on FHU & FH for game nights! But it isn't required.
In the game(s) Talta currently has in-RP territory in Fluorite Plains [FHU] and Charika Valley [oFH].Q: Why can't I get [role]?
Some roles in 📜│reaction-roles require you to have the @Roleplayer role. Rank specific roles are when you submit a character for that role. But most there are free for anyone to get.
Q: What does "IRP" mean?
It means In-Roleplay, and pretty much has the same meaning as in-character (IC) does, but more about the roleplay itself such as the universe (i.e. foxes IRP have been known to join Talta). We have a terminology page that includes a lot of meanings. (WIP)
Q: How do I report a user?
Head to 📜│tickets to create a ticket. When doing so make sure to include screenshots and any other evidence to back your claim.
Q: What's rank skipping?
Rank skipping is where you can skip ONE rank in your chosen character's trade/branch, instead of a Guard (starter) you can instead skip to a Ranger (novice), or a Caretaker to Herbalist, and so on. Just make sure you include an RP sample showing at least some knowledge in the rank.
Q. Can we create our own packs/bands in this RP?
Yes! However currently this system is closed till Talta itself reaches at least 20 unique members IRP. And a guide is currently being worked on for the requirements.
Q: I no longer like the character I created, can I replace them or completely rework them?
If they haven't been in an RP thread you may re-submit your character, however, if you've roleplayed with them in the server we urge players not to do this as this can disrupt our timeline of events and other IRP relationships. You can instead 'archive' of your character, this essentially puts them on pause.

Q. Do I have to join the DeviantArt and/or Toyhouse Worlds?
Nope! They are purely optional to join and participate in. You only really need to join the Discord.
Q: Can characters speak a different language?
Yes! But please provide a translation in brackets somewhere in the post so we do not have to use a translator. Or, alternatively use '<' & '>' to indicate a different language being used! (Example: <"Hello... who are you?"> He'd grumble in Russian, tail raising to show confidence in his words.)
Q: Can my character be mentally/physically ill or disabled?
Yes, you don’t need to be mentally ill or disabled to play a character that is, but we ask that you do lots of research into any condition you don’t have personal experience with. We trust our community to be thoughtful and respectful, as ableism of any kind is never permitted within Talta. Additionally, disabling injuries should never be utilized for shock value only, please consider how your OC's life would change afterward, how they’d adapt, and how they’d feel about their injury.
We do have more restrictions on certain disorders that are already highly misunderstood by many people, such as dissociative identity disorder (DID), schizophrenia, and personality disorders. We very much recommend speaking to a staff member beforehand if you’re interested in making a character with a condition like this.Q: Can I start as a loner/outsider or do I have to make a Talta character first?
You are free to make an outsider as your first character! Exiled members however is an IRP only 'rank' however.
Q: Do I have to have a wolf/dog character?
Nope! The Pack of Talta allows foxes, jackals, coyotes, etc. to join the pack. As long as your character is relatively a part of the canis family it should be fine.
Q: Can I use a Google doc as a submission instead?
Not for OC submissions, but you may use google-docs, carrd, or something that does not require a download in the biographies channel once accepted. Google Docs may be used for roleplay example excerpts or a 'full history' of your OC.
Q: Are the 'Gods' real in this roleplay? Are there demons or other supernatural entities?
Nope! They're entirely fictional! Wolves believe in these entities to help explain the world around them. A storm brewing? Oh Ailni, the God of Storms and Rain must be upset. Etc. Your character is welcomed to believe in the deities we have here, their own or be atheist.


Talta Pack (TP), or The Pack of Talta (PoT) is a semi-realistic play-by-post roleplay/social group focused on promoting a safe space while roleplaying as wolves (and other canines) and their daily lives within the Talta Pack and other groups within the roleplay!Originally the Talta Pack had its footing within the MMORPG of FeralHeart back in late 2018 but since was disbanded due to FH slowly dying in players. Now in 2024 I hope to bring this roleplay back!This time with the goal of becoming an active, engaging community. Talta Pack is inspired by groups like Sezona Sabina/Mist Pack, Benevolent Wolf Pack, many Art RolePlay groups, and many other inspirations from music and games the creator has played.

Talta is both open to IRP plot-related allegiances and rivalries, as well as general partnerships (please DM wyvolf on Discord to inquire)
Usage of discord forums for role-play threads
🌖 OOC staff positions open!🌖 Bloodline and custom canid species friendly!🌖 DID/OSDD System friendly! (PluralKit Bot available)🌖 LGTBQIA+ Friendly!🌖 A space for general spectators, and more!

Affiliates & Partners

Are you interested in becoming an affiliate partner with us? Well you're more than welcome to do so!
Here at the Pack of Talta we accept other roleplay groups to help spread activity amongst the community! You do not have to be a canine based RPG server, warrior cats, human orientated or based in a fandom (i.e. My Hero Academia).
To see how to affiliate with us and requirements read below! To see our ad + current listed partners read the footer!


🐺 Those intending to partner must at least have 10 human members (excluding bot-count).
🐺 The server/roleplay forum must be at least two weeks old.
🐺 Those with NSFW (or general sexual content) present whatsoever are not allowed to partner. Partners MUST have a age limit of 16+ or 18+ (and SFW).
🐺 Servers that that are discriminatory, prejudice towards others are not allowed to partner.
🐺 You also cannot partner if your server encourages or contains: raiding, doxxing, illegal activity of any sort, or other breaches of Discords Terms of Service.
🐺 Keep in mind that if our advertisement for our group is removed the advertisement for yours will be removed also.

About Server Merges
A server merge is an act of closing/archiving your server and moving your members to this server. This is commonly done when a server owner feels as if their server not doing well, nor succeeding, or simply don't have enough time to manage, and other reasons.
If you wish to merge your server with our server, please DM @wyvolf on Discord to discuss further details.

How To Partner
When it comes to partnering with us, it's quite simple! Due to the site limits of of which our site is hosted on there is no forum boards (as we are Discord based), instead when it comes to partnering you must send a request form via this link (WIP).

Our Ad
If you are able to have HTML please use this code:
<a href="" target="blank"><img src=",h_31,q_80,strp/add_by_wyvolf_dhw4mb8-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MzEiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC8zMjczNWY2OC0yZTlmLTRjNWItOGNmYi0xMGM1ZDI0MzhmM2ZcL2RodzRtYjgtM2U2OWQ2NTktYjU1Yi00NTk1LWFkNzktNmVkOTdkZWE5YTZmLnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD04OCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.gUYNDZWoU6Wdyyzz4RS_0HbFwi2BscIZM9qTtjWV_tE" width="88px" height="31px" border="0" alt="Talta Pack" title="Talta Pack" /></a>

Character Creation Guidelines

Here in Pack of Talta we aim for a semi-realistic yet creative character designs. Meaning we want you to have creative freedom here while adhering to our guidelines! If you are unsure whether your character is allowed you're more than welcome to ask in our the 📜│help-questions or the 🌀╏oc-discussion channels of our discord server.

i. General Notes | ii. Character Design | iii. Accessories | iv. Ages and Aging | vi. Pregnancies and Puppies!

i. General Notes

1. Characters in this roleplay are still feral canines!
Basically: these aren't anthros. They cannot walk on their hind legs like a person, and if they try they tend to be awkward with very little coordination, and when using their front paws they may move and make simple gestures such as pointing and using simple tools (like sharp rocks and antlers) but they won't have the same dexterity as a human would (they have no opposable thumbs).
2. The maximum slots a person can have is 6 possible character slots! Though upon joining you are limited to two slots, the other slots are granted based on activity, level, and what rank your character has.3. Bloodlines/family lineages are allowed within this roleplay! Either bringing in a per-existing bloodline, or making one within Talta. However, the management and responsibility is up to you and/or the original creator of the bloodline.4. Names of characters can range from real-life inspiration or be entirely fictional/made up! I suggest using sites like Behind the Name and Serendipity for fantasy-sounding names.
Multiple characters can be named the same name but can be differentiated by titles, appearance, or otherwise.
As a side: titles work similarly to Norse/Viking names! It can either be based on their skill, appearance, personality trait, etc.
5. If you choose to play a pup under 1 year, you MUST have a parent/guardian character, either played by yourself or someone else. If you cannot find a player, age them up to one year.

6. Wolf 'species' and subspecies don't really exist here. In the Pack of Talta lore wolves have bred enough with other canines to all be considered 'wolf' or at the very most 'wolf-kin' such in the case of dogs, coyotes and foxes.7. Here at Pack of Talta we are open and welcoming to all expressions of gender identity. Please inform us of whatever pronouns your wolf may use, the gender they identify as, and other relevant information.8. If you plan on creating a disabled character keep in mind that they will not function the same as a normal and healthy animal.🌖 Canines with missing or broken limbs will have issues hunting big game, or they will have issues keeping up with a non-disabled animal.🌖 Partially blind/deaf and fully blind/deaf characters may have trouble seeing or hearing, but their other senses may be heightened. Such as sense of smell.🌖 That being said these characters may have trouble moving around unsteady terrain, they may even need help hunting or even need food brought to them. They are not required to have a guardian but take into account the struggle they may have.🌖 Yes, you are very much allowed to have a character with a mental illness/disorder so long as you, the player, has done your research and is done with respect and tastefully. Avoid using any harmful stereotypes and blatant misinformation.

Finally, when it comes to personality you may have your character be written as mean, kind and polite, pretentious, anxiety-ridden, “bitchy”, or otherwise. However, your character cannot intentionally be bigoted in any sense or be based in real-world hate organizations, or be cruel for the sake of being cruel. Always keep in mind that there will be consequences for your character's actions IF they are caught.Check out these resources for a List of Character Vices, Flaws, Quirks, and Virtues all collected by 'saeglopur' on listography.

ii. Character Design

1. The character you play here must belong to you, be it created for this roleplay, re-purposed, an adoptable you brought, whichever. So long as they belong to you! They cannot be stolen characters, they cannot be existing characters from media (i.e. Spider-Man) but as a wolf. Inspiration is typically okay.2. Your character is expected to have realistic strengths and weaknesses. Basically: no mary-sues, gary-stus. Your character cannot have "no weaknesses" or "no fears".3. Here in Talta we allow a varied use of markings and colors that are not seen in real life on the typical wolf, such as spotting, stripes, and more 'unique' markings as we want to let users have the expression of creativity! However, please keep in mind that we do not allow such things as:🌖 Neon or too saturated colors (think sparkledogs). Additionally, unnatural markings like squares, pentagons, zigzags, or based on real logos such as Samsung, won't be allowed.
🌖 Horns of any kind
🌖 Wings
🌖 Unnatural Spikes
🌖 Or other blatantly unrealistic qualities such as being half-demon, a vampire, werewolf, or other supernatural/mythological beast.
4. You are also more than welcomed to add 'manes' and other hairstyles to your character. Ranging from no mane to short bangs, or long manes similar to that of hyenas or other critters. Though they may not be able to 'tie-it up' or have elaborate hairstyles, inspired by Alpha-and-Omega characters can use things like acorns to be able to brush their manes and fur.5. Your character does not have to be a purebred wolf! While wolves in Erentala are very much just wolf, the Character species can be any type of wolf (including extinct subspecies such as the Hokkaido Wolf), dogs*, wolf-dogs, coyotes, coy-wolves, coy-dogs, and foxes. We also allow users to create custom-canine species! For more information about this see Custom Breeds for extra information!6. Your character may have a mutation / genetic quirk if it makes sense to have! Such as heterochromia (and its subtype like central-heterochromia), dwarfism, gigantism, albinism, piebald, melanism. This may include things such as polydactyly (extra toes), hyperdontia (lots of extra teeth), anodonita (little to no teeth), little to no fur, or things such as longer teeth.

(*Most breeds of dog are allowed, however, we do not allow 'toy' breeds like Fox Terriers, and brachycephalic breeds (a.k.a pugs). Medium to large dog breeds are preferred).

Not an artist? No problem! You're more than welcome to use these Free to Use bases! All you really need is an art program with layers and accepts .psd files such as fire alpaca, procreate, ibis paint x, and similar! As stated we do NOT allow the use of AI generated 'content'.Some suggestions! You can of course find more by going to sites like toyhouse, DeviantArt, etc. and typing "f2u wolf line-art" and pick what you think is best. Alternatively you can make your character using character characters on games such as Feral Heart/FHU, Wolf Soul, Wolvden, etc.!🌖 F2U Wolf Base by AviciousFox on DevArt🌖 F2U wolf lineart (PSD + PNG) by Arankay on DevArt🌖 A Few Wolf Linearts by klechkodav on DevArt.Use wolf base f2u on sites like DeviantArt, Tumblr, Toyhouse, etc! Or commission your local artist to draw and/or design your character.

If you're still unsure about the design of your character you're always free to ask if it is okay! We're very relaxed on designs so long as they are not blatantly unrealistic (neons/too contrasting colors, horns, etc.) pretty much stand 'semi-realistic' designs most groups have in oFH back in the day.

iii. Accessories

Accessories are allowed! Characters may either find these accessories within the RP or they can be submitted with them.Please keep in mind that accessories must be 'natural' and something that a wolf could find and wear, examples being but not limited to: Feathers, flowers, dried herbs, twigs, etc. They may use mud/clay/berry/etc to act as a sort of "paint” to create additional markings.
As for more 'complex' accessories like small bone ear piercings must be done by a herbalist of tier 4 to be able to perform the piercing.
Characters may not wear things such as actual jewelry, armor, and clothing. Keep in mind that this roleplay does NOT condone usage of closed cultural items or clothes to be worn or considered (i.e a feather behind the ear, feather headdress', etc.).If your character is a dog, or descendant from once human-owned dogs many years ago, they may be wearing their collars they once had as a human pet. And are more than welcome to use this collars as an "heirloom" for their kin. Sadly, there are no radio collars due to the fact humans are still in the late 13th to early 14th Century. (For more about humans see Beastary in the 'Predators' section!)

Accessories are not locked by rank, gender, or any other form of status other than age. While not illegal or considered against any form of law: pups are generally discouraged from adorning themselves especially with piercings.

Art by wyvolf

iv. Ages and Aging

Due to wolves (and other canines) being quite rather intelligent creatures and years cultivating herbs and healing the average lifespan of the wolf has increased to around 20 years. But some have been known to live till around 30.As this roleplay server doesn't follow our world's time (IRL), it follows its own timing guide. This is completely optional for you and your characters to use. For the roleplays general Timeline and History see the lore compendium section!

0 month[s] to 4 years, 11 months.
Puppy: 0–6 months. (Human infant - Human child, 0–12 years)
Adolescent: 6 months - 1 year (Human adolescent; 12–18 years)
Young Adult: 1–4 years (Human Young adult; 19–14 years)
5 years to 20+ years.
Adult: 5–9 years (Human adult; 25–39 years)
Aged Adult: 10–14 years (Middle-aged human adult; 40–59 years)
Senior: 15+ years. (Elderly Human; 60+ years)
Characters typically retire at 14–16 years.

AGING GUIDEThis serves as a basic guide to help keep track of the age of your character. This specific guide is entirely optional, and you won't be punished for not using it. Age ups can happen either every 30 days (once a month irl) or when you feel needed.1 real day = two days IRP
7 real days = two weeks IRP
10 real days = two months IRP
15 real days = three months IRP
20 real days = four months IRP
25 real days = five months IRP
1 real month = six months IRP
2 real months = 1 year IRP

While in an active RP thread the RP may take several days IRL to finish, time passes much slower, but in an event where you're in an ongoing RP and an event (such as a wildfire) occurs it may cause your thread to auto-snap to the current timeline unless previously stated it happens before [EVENT].Time skips are not permitted as it messes with our timeline! Role players are fine to RP any 'past' interactions to establish backgrounds, but it should not interfere with anything in the 'present' day.

v. Heights and Weights

HEIGHT RATIOSSMALL CLASS: 25" inches to 29" inches.
These wolves are considered to be on the smaller side, but always bigger than pups and puppies (think Australian Cattle Dogs for the smaller end).
MEDIUM CLASS: 30" inches to 36 inches.
These wolves tend to be average in height, (wolves are typically always bigger than the average dog, but most dogs fit this class).
LARGE CLASS: 37" inches to 41" inches.
Larger than average. Considered to be 'gigantism' around 42-46"+ inches. Similar heights to the extinct Dire Wolf (Aenocyon dirus) and Epicyon

WEIGHT RATIOSKeep in mind that females are generally on the lighter side, and males heavier (though not the standard, it varies). And that anything outside the average range would generally be considered obese or emaciated.SMALL CLASS: 20 to 80 lbs.
MEDIUM CLASS: 70 to 150 lbs
LARGE CLASS: 130-200 lbs
While the average size of a gray wolf is between 26 and 32 inches with an average weight is between 85-90 lbs, in this roleplay we allow for variety between from the smallest to the largest. When it comes to including your character's weight it does not need to be added to the application, if anything you are more than welcomed to just use short descriptions such as the following terms:
- Malnourished
- Underweight
- Below Average
- Average
- Above Average
- Overweight
But you are also welcome to add other modifying descriptors such as "Chubby", "Scrawny", "Muscular" or whatever feels right for the character in question! Please keep in mind that due to the wolves' survivalist lifestyle, strongly under- or overweight wolves have a harder time getting through the day (hunting, scouting, defending their territory, etc.) and are more prone to illnesses.Keep also in mind that a heavy set wolf may not always win spars, or that lighter faster wolves may not always evade. It takes skill!

vi. Pregnancies and Puppies!

Pregnancy Rules1: Character(s) must be at least 2 years old or older to be able to have pups. Within this role-plays universe canines are marked as 'true adults' at two years old; equivalent to being 18 in human years.In addition, the maximum number of pups a litter can have six (6) at one time, however, in rare circumstances can be as much as eight (8) but this must be approved by staff beforehand.2. Your character must be pregnant for at least ten real days OOC. Which is equal to two months within the role-play. Please make sure to arrange people to play as your pups before the birthdate. If you cannot find a player to play a pup it cannot exist (design for said pup may of course be reused).3. While your character is pregnant they may not perform their ranked duties such as hunting, fighting or even training as it may run the risk of injuring your character and/or their pups. Your character may be requested to stay within the main camp or at their den site within the territory.4. Character's must be AFAB (assigned female at birth) to be able to bear pups. This means, yes, your non-binary character can be a parent, or your trans male character can as well. AMAB (assigned male at birth), however, cannot bare their own pups without a surrogate.5. As per our no sexual content (NSFW) rule; do not discuss heat cycles, or role-play your character going into heat. As for role-playing birth it must be hand-waived. No one needs to see it, you can keep it vague if you wish but never describe it in detail.


A Collection of Non-Player Characters

"NPC" stands for "Non-Player Character." These are characters that exist in the world but is not owned nor is played by one specific player and is often used by the entire group.
The only exception to this being "Story and Lore NPC's" as these are NPCs that are locked to staff and approved Event Manages, often for plot reasons.
As a player, you are more than welcome to feature NPCS in your RP threads and art, as long as you're following their existing personality and rules! Head canons are always welcomed provided they are not lore-breaking.

{HEAVY WORK IN PROGRESS}When finish this page will redirect to a separate Google Docs page.

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Pack of Talta

The Talta Pack is a generally open and accepting to all, even those who have been outcasted from their own groups. Their benevolence has been noted and admired by most but called weak by others. While they are often known to talk things out first there is a good reason why they have trained and skilled fighters within their ranks.
🌖 LONERS: Neutral, Guards of Talta are taught to treat strangers with respect [yet caution], they always offer strangers a place to rest their bones, a meal to eat or medical attention.

In Talta they support a generally laid-back lifestyle, where day-to-day business is conducted without heavy guidance, its governing body is made up of the rank leads (i.e. the lower council), and its leaders (the higher council). Talta is known to offer resources to passing wolves and those who need assistance. Talta is not known to turn those away but with the guards at their designated posts, they cannot be too cozy.
Many of the wolves may choose to live in the main camp or find and dig their own den sites within the territory.PUNISHMENT SYSTEM
While Talta is mostly a peaceful pack keen on peace and good will, they are not without a justice system for those who do wrong and deserve it. The Talta Pack is noted to be forgiving, and giver of second chances which are almost given, except for the most horrendous of crimes. For the most part, punishment is taken as it comes, specifics decided based on the severity and situation.
🌖 Minor Wrongdoing: Verbal scolding & restriction to camp for one or a few days. Depending on crime a guard may be tasked to follow the individual for a set of time.🌖 Purposeful Violence: Restriction to the main camp for five days, or until moon's eye changes shape. Typically, under surveillance by two guards during that time. They may not leave camp without being attended by said guards.
~ Some purposeful violence [or other crimes] may call for a trial and/or imprisonment.
🌖 Wolfslaughter: Murder is the most heinous crime within Talta and calls for a public trial, typically resulting in exile. And rarely the perpetrator being killed.TRIALS
For more about trials head below to traditions.



Before there was the Pack of Talta there was the Western Cliffs, a militaristic group led by the Tyrant Carnage who allowed two wolves to bear offspring: these would be the twins Yarkai and Talta.After living in Western Cliffs for the first two years the twins would fight to prove themselves, till one day Carnage ordered to kill Talta believing her to be worthless. These caused the twins to disband from their birth pack to travel far North for their safety.The Founders, Yarkai and Talta, began their new era in the lush forest filled territory with the winding Felltimber River marking its boulders. A few friends tagging along. Soon they became many. And that's just the beginning.



55-60 Winters Ago - FORMATION

Many winters ago the pack would be founded by twins Yarkai and Talta.
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The Talta Pack resides in a lush, cool pine-wood valley, tucked in the corner of a mountain range (known as 'Alks Fangs').
Most of their land is covered in a thick forest dominated by pine trees with ferns at their bases, it has a number of creeks that lead its way into the Felltimber River which act as a border marker for the Talta Pack.
Talta's main camp and densites sit within a cave system close to the base of one of the mountains. It is heavily guarded by Talta's best guards.


Important Landmarks

[LAND MARK] ~ Description

[LAND MARK] ~ Description

[LAND MARK] ~ Description

FELLTIMBER RIVER ~ The Felltimber River is the longest and biggest river within Erentala, and Talta Pack claims a portion of it that helps border the Eastern side. At this part of the river its quite low and easily crossable especially when it's frozen during the winter months.Bass, trouts, graylings, chubs and pikes are found in this River.

The Hierarchy

From the pack's leading ranks to the very bottom of the rung. The hierarchy of Talta is complex, separated into five different branches that focuses on different tasks to ensure the pack's well-being and safety from hunting, to healing, to guarding and a fighting force.Talta uses the system of tiers, with one (i) being the lowest and ten (x) being the highest.

Low Ranks:
Elder | Null | Pups | Forsaken
Novice Level Ranks: tiers i-iii
Hunter | Scout | Fighter | Guard | Caretaker
Apprentice Level Ranks: tiers iv-vii
Wraits | Seeker | Warrior | Ranger | Herbalist
Expert Level Ranks: tiers viii-ix
Lurks | Outrider | Gladiator | Paladin | Noden
Master Level Ranks: tier x
Venery | Reaver | Sentinel | Warden | Augur
High Council: leaders
Ernfi | Viltie | Kilti


Pack Law

These are the laws of the Talta Pack, created to form order within the pack. Keep in mind that each pack is different when it comes to their own laws and beliefs. These laws respect the tenets of Nature.

[I] Defend the pack with your life, and fight with honor.
"No member of Talta needs to kill another to win their battles, unless it is in the defense of your life or others. Such acts are to be avoided."
[II] All members must contribute to the pack.
"A whelp must be at least one cycle old to become a trainee, and no less. A new wolf joining that is over one winter's age is considered a Null till they chose the branch they wish to be a part of, till then the null are to help around the pack as there will be no wolf who joins and does not do anything. Exceptions are the injured that leaves them incapable."
[III] Respect your pack-members, blood may be thicker, but these are still your family.
"Members of Talta are to respect to one another, and listen to their higher ups when performing their duties. Any issues that may arise may be addressed to the Ernfi to either settle in healthy debate or spar. Failure to respect your pack mate, even if you disagree with them, or starting fights will result in punishment and potential trial."
[IV] Members are welcome to chose their own dens within the territory but never outside Talta grounds.
"You are not restricted to the main camp, you are more than welcomed to establish your living den anywhere within the territory as long as it isn't near the burial, ceremony sites or too close to other dens. The main camp is where the food storage is kept, where most meetings and general socializing occurs, though you may choose to sleep here."
[V] The Ernfi's word is law.
"The mind decides what is best for the body, but if it should become clouded, or the Ernfi acts in a way that is unlawful or harmful to the very pack they may be punished and overruled."

[VI] Our territory is our fortress, it is to be checked.
"Talta's borders are to be checked every day, guards are to stay at their designated posts till the change in guard. All guards are to be cautious yet benevolent to outsiders, offer food, medicinal or water. Do not attack unless the stranger poses to be threat, or is marked as a dangerous rival."
[VII] The divines are there to guide us, but no wolf will be forced to follow them.
"The Ernfi may lead their pack in worship to the Divines, but no ernfi may force their pack members to participate in the religious ceremonies. In addition, no member is to force others to take part, or believe in the Divines. However, those who do not believe in the great spirits are not to curse those who believe in it."
[VIII] "Disputes are to be done with words first, however a fight with claws will be second"
"All disputes to be handled within the sparring grounds under the watchful judgement of the leading ranks of Talta, if healthy discussion and debate cannot be done a spar may instead occur where the two individuals fight."
[IX] "Murder, or attempted murder, is the highest offense a wolf could commit"
"Any wolf who commits the vile act of preemptive murder that isn't of self-defense will face the highest degree of punishment."
[X] "A revision of the pack law may take place after a new ernfi is crowned."
"When a new ernfi takes their place as the new leader of the pack they, the higher and lower councils may meet to discuss the potential of the changing the pack law for the betterment of the pack."

Traditions & Culture

Talta embraces a rich tapestry of traditions, celebrating various cultural and communal rituals that reflect its diverse heritage. From vibrant festivals to solemn ceremonies, these events foster a strong sense of community. However, Talta warmly welcomes members who bring their own unique customs or choose not to participate in any festivities.This inclusive spirit ensures that everyone feels valued and respected, creating a harmonious environment where individual choices and cultural expressions are honored.


'The Great Divines'

The Creation Myth

A general belief on how their world came to be, on how Erentala was created by the Divines and how the First Wolves stepped on the land.

The Pantheon


'the first ones', primordial and old.

he/him, heterosexual [intersex]

Commonly spoken to take the form of a wolf, or eagle.

Alk - God of the Sun

Patron God of plants, day, and light.

Alk is the eldest brother of Asres, and mate to Oroka. He has four children: the personifications of the Seasons.
WIP WIP WIP.Wolves often look to him for the Tomorrow and a New Beginning.

Asres - God of the Moon

Patron God of healing, night, and dark. She is the watcher.

Asres is the younger sister of Alk. Believed to be a blind creature who tore out her very high to hang it in the sky to watch over the night. Becoming the moon. During the phases of the moon it is actually her closing her eye to let the souls of the stars shine and twinkle allowing their spirits to visit their families.
She is the one who killed Vohti and made them her shepherd of the dead.Wolves often look to her for the Yesterday and the Lessons taught.

she/them, aroace [intersex]

Commonly spoken to take the form of an owl.


'rulers of the domains'

she/her, bisexual [intersex]

Takes form of a large white stag with aged antlers.

Oroka - God of the Hunt

Patron God of wildlife, and survival

Many believed Oroka to be the one who taught the First Wolves how to hunt so they could eat.
Hunters often pray to her before each hunt for a successful trip.
Oroka is said to be mates with Alk, and has four pups that represent the Seasons. Acts as their primary caretaker ensuring they do their tasks to bring the Spring, the Summer, the Autumn and the Winter.

Sevali, The Earth

Sevali is the God of Earth, and patron of Truths and Justice. Their name is often used in times of trial and judgement.It is believed that they shaped the very ground all walk upon. Legend says that they ripped out their teeth and claws to form the mountains.

Vohti, The Death

Vohti is the God of the Death, the last kiss, the final Howl who guides all to the starstream. Often referred to as a patron of secrets.It is believed that the First were immortal and could not die. So once mortality was created; Vohti was the first to die.

Fono, The Fire

Fono is the God of Fire. Said to be an angry god who causes the summer wildfires. Prayed to to stop these fires. But also prayed to bring warm sunny days in times of Winter.Not an evil god, but not a good one either. Brother to Hwiyar.

Rysina, The War

Rysina is the God of War, patron of Honor, Courage and Strategy. Often prayed to in times of war and battle for victory.A trial is named after them, Rysina's Rite, an event made in reaction to sparring be it to settle a dispute or to overthrow in rank.

Hwiyar, The Storms

Hwiyar is the God of Storms, patron of the weather. Known for his times of thunderous storms to match a fury. Prayed to on sunny days to bring a light cool shower of rain or a cover of clouds.Not an evil god, not seen as wholely good either. Brother to Fono.

[STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS]The divines were inspired by Greek and Norse Mythologies, and fictional mythologies taken from the Elder Scrolls series, Fable, and so on.